Sponsor Tiers

7 Sifter
One time

Sifter: Illustrates the refinement process in milling, showcasing Terrace Mill's commitment to producing high-quality flour, emphasizing the attention to detail in the milling process.

1 Stone Grinder
One time

Stone Grinder: This tool represents the traditional method of milling, emphasizing the historical significance of Terrace Mill as a place where grains were ground into flour by hand, showcasing the foundation of milling technology.

6 Bolter
One time

Demonstrates the quality control aspect of milling operations, showcasing Terrace Mill's dedication to ensuring consistent and uniform flour products, highlighting the precision and expertise involved in milling techniques.

2 Steel Roller
One time

Reflects the evolution of milling technology, highlighting Terrace Mill's transition to more efficient methods, and showcasing the progression of milling techniques over time.

4 Grist Bin
One time

Represents the storage aspect of milling operations, showcasing the logistical considerations involved in managing grain supplies, highlighting Terrace Mill's role as a hub for grain processing and distribution.

3 Turbine
One time

Symbolizes the power source behind the milling process, emphasizing the importance of water power to Terrace Mill's operations, showcasing the ingenuity of utilizing natural resources for industrial purposes.